Corporate law
Our experts will ensure compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the implementation of business activities with maximum consideration of your business’ interests.
Our experts provide a support in the field of corporate law:
- consulting of legal entities of various types in all legal aspects of corporate law;
- development of incorporation documents, as well as regulations on the company's management bodies, registration of changes in the amount of the authorized capital, amendments to the company's charter, change of the executive body, etc .;
- services on preparation and conduct of M & A transactions, including legal analysis, as well as consulting in the structuring of transactions, support and execution of all stages of transactions;
- Due Diligence of target and acquired companies (comprehensive analysis of documentation in order to verify the legality and attractiveness of the investee, as well as identify legal risks that may affect the terms of the transaction);
- corporate secretarial services, including for companies with foreign participation (including the preparation of Minutes, decisions of the company's management bodies and other documents, organization of apostilles translations, etc.);
- preparation of the letters and agreements of intent;
- consulting and conducting procedures related to the issuance of securities of companies and their circulation on the market;
- support of transactions for the sale of shares and parts of shares;
- opening branches and representative offices;
- standardization of contractual work: analysis of clients' contracts, development of recommendations on improvement of the efficiency of contractual work and document flow in the company;
- legal consulting in current contractual relations with Russian and foreign partners;
- advice on minimization of risks in transactions’ conclusion;
- development and / or analysis of contracts (delivery of goods and provision of services / execution of works, structuring of relations with distributors, agency services, promotion of goods and services, ensuring the fulfillment of obligations, logistics, etc.).
In addition, our company, if required, can perform the functions of the sole executive body of a legal entity - the functions of the management company. This option allows companies with foreign capital to optimize management processes when conducting activities in the Russian Federation. At the same time, we provide fully transparent business management of the legal entity, regular reporting according to the standards set by the Client and high efficiency.